this is happening

So, here I go again. It’s been a few months since Blogger decided that all of their hosted blogs had to be on their site…which had meant that the venerable would have become blogspot.floorpie.thissucks.seriously?.com, or, the somewhat easier to remember

Neither of which I was too keen on.

So, here I am on WordPress and I’ll be damned if I ain’t real happy to be here. I still obviously have a lot to figure out… like whether or not to include the last 10 YEARS of posts from my Blogger days, and how to make the site look like it’s s’posed to; but, at least I have a place to write to my legions of fans again.

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One Response to this is happening

  1. Bill W says:

    Well hot damn. (And what exactly is a “hot damn?”) I was about to post a comment to the So Long post pining for some floorpie. Oh, sweet floorpie! How I missed you. Yet somehow my life went on so nicely in its absence! Welcome back.

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