big wheels keep on turning

It’s been nearly a month since I unceremoniously tripped over my mid-30’s. Honestly, I don’t feel at all different than the month before. In retrospect, I don’t feel differently from any other year.

Granted, I get out of breath a little faster than I used to and my right knee refuses to not hurt all the time and my hair is thinner than it used to be and my ankle is weaker after that bad sprain….but I don’t remember these slow transitions into decrepitude. To me it’s all been one and the same game.

I vaguely remember the lithe energetic body of a nubile pre-teen, but only in theory and not especially clearly.

What is the point? I dunno, some cliche about only being as old as you feel or something.

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my last day was tomorrow

I was walking on the beach in Santa Barbara with my mom today. She was talking to me about my dad, and how he’s getting close to retirement age…but what would he do all day if he were to retire?

She went on to talk about how work has been his life for many years. How even when on vacation (like today), he still works, and how my mom has given up trying to stop him and instead tries to give him a couple of hours to toil away instead. Because he’s a perfectionist, and always tries to do what’s right, and has a sense of honor in what he does.

I can’t say that I measure up to all of these same characteristics, but I can say that a lot of these qualities also ring true in me, the apple not falling far from the tree. Case in point, as she was explaining all of this to me, I was checking my work email incessantly, responding only with “uh huh’s” every now and again. I’m confident that the various people I’ve gone on vacation with can attest to similar.

Note to self: make sure I have some other hobbies before I retire. Luckily I have the whole photography, guitar, wood working thing going for me at the moment. Hope it sticks.

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css style shits

I’ve forgotten everything I ever knew
about web design. Which is unfortunate considering that I am in the middle of designing one…well “the middle” is a bit of an exaggeration. I have a domain, I have hosting, I have a vague idea of what I want to do and a PowerPoint template that inadequately reflects said vague idea.

That’s about it.

Is it such an auspicious goal to design a simple and impactful photography website? Perhaps not. What’s CSS again?

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empire expansion

And is alive.

Well, it’s under new management anyway. Now what to DO with it?

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When I started this blog some 10 years ago, I had a brief period where I was semi-popular, blogging being in its infancy. I got a little ahead of myself, then, and thought I needed to have my own domain name…I kicked around several and even polled the visitors to my site to see what they though of my ideas. I had terribly clever ideas, but the one I always came back to was

It was obscure (Simpsons reference), it was fairly easy to remember, and perhaps most importantly: it was available.

Until I started talking about it. Suddenly, a mere week after mentioning it, it had been snatched up…and when I queried the owner about selling it to me, he named some ridiculously astronomical price and I happily went on my way.

I was buying domain names recently and I went and checked on for old time’s sake. Still unused but purchased with a link to make an offer to buy it; no offers under $500 to be considered.

$500! At least! For a domain that has gone unused or cared about for over $10 years!

Is the ~$200 in registration fees over the last decade worth the hubris I wonder?

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london calling

I ask for very little in those I wish to spend my time with. Staggering beauty, intimidating intelligence, the ability to laugh at everything I do on even the faintest hint of humorous intent, and a communication style akin to a hilariously bawdy nobel laureate.

Nothing, really, no?

I find that communication, as the saying goes, is the most important thing. For me, it’s not even so much the content of said communication as much as it is the quality of the delivery. I want to want to talk for hours, I want to bark with unexpected laughter, I want to be challenged and to talk over one another. I want to be engaged.

I like the witty banter, you see.

The question, really, though, is whether I like the witty banter from the person I’m talking to, or if I like the opportunity to provide the witty banter myself. I think it’s a tad of both to be honest. If the other party can’t dish it, then they’re probably not getting the cleverness in the first place.

This is, of course, incredibly self-serving as it pre-supposes that I’m witty and clever in the first place. Perception is reality, though, and that’s my perception…of myself. Bah. To hell with the logic, I live primarily inside of my own head anyway.

Does everyone find the perfect balance in their counterpoint eventually, or do some things become less important as YOU do?

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you’re crazy but i like you

I don’t run into nearly enough weirdos these days. This blog used to be rife with anecdotes of interesting (to me) interactions with the slightly left of center. Now, though, it’s more likely thinly-veiled posts about my love life or job. And who cares to read about that?

I’ve decided that I’ve either gotten more conservative and therefore less likely to run in the company of those aberrant individuals I so truly enjoy observing…or I’m so accepting of oddity that it no longer phases me as much.

I’m voting for the second.

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From the Wikipedia entry for notable births to have happened in history on September 27th:


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they can’t ALL be about canning my own preserves

Looking through my bookmarks, interested in rediscovering what I find interesting, I found this:

check me everyday

Just as expected as it is odd.

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happy blah blah blah

My birthday is fast approaching, though I hardly realize it. I’m the type that typically needs to be reminded that it is, in fact, right around the corner. This isn’t true, of course, I know that my 36th birthday is on Monday, which is why I already put in for vacation that day…but I’d like to think I didn’t care.

What will I do, I wonder? I know nearly exactly. I will tell myself that I will sleep in for the first time in a decade, but get up at 8-ish because I can’t help but to do so. I’ll have a mental list of a half a dozen grandiose plans that I want to accomplish, including but not limited to: choosing and categorizing the images I want to use on my photography website, creating a first draft at designing said website, getting a domain name and setting up hosting on said website, practicing guitar, selling two amps, and setting up a photo studio.

What I actually will do is sit on my couch, watch Top Gear and probably play video games until 2 o’clock, at which point I will realize that I’m wasting my day, feel guilty, and consider the consequences for another couple of hours while I “wait until I get to a good save spot”.

And then I’ll be 36.

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