Category Archives: from the Blogger archives

my brilliance knows no editing

My friend D (and that’s not a pseudonym, but instead a sobriquet in that that’s actually what I call her and is short for her real name) sent me back an email I had written her nearly two years ago. … Continue reading

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so long?

I’ve had this blog for 10 years. 10 years! Before Blogger was even known, and before blogging was thing to do, I was doing so. I don’t know whether to be proud of that or dismayed by my decades long … Continue reading

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rock all night, party a good majority of every day

I wish I got paid for what I wanted to do instead of what I’m actually good at. In truth, I’m getting paid more and more for sitting in meetings…which I neither want to do or am good at. With … Continue reading

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keep on truckin’

When you have a long way to go and a short time to get there, you eat up the miles and stuff down the fatigue. You go hard for 13 hours straight before your co-pilot demands to take over; but, … Continue reading

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Have you ever seen that show Solitary? Check it out on Hulu if you get the chance. In quick summary, it’s 9 contestants relegated to tiny little rooms with a malevolent computer voice as their only companion. The computer puts … Continue reading

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i wish i could say i was wrong

One of the problems with being devastatingly handsome, talented, and intelligent to the point of near clairvoyance is that you are rarely, if ever, wrong. I say this, of course, a tad tongue-in-cheek…I’m actually extremely clairvoyant. Nearly never being wrong … Continue reading

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hooked on a feeling

I’ve had a feeling of unease for about three days now. The type where my shoulders are always just a little bit too tight, my stomache just a bit unsettled, and my heart beating as if it were hanging suspended … Continue reading

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no pain, questionable gain

I’ve been getting sick more often than I’m used to lately. Not deathly ill or anything, just 3 day colds every few months. It’s extraordinarily annoying and I can’t figure out why. My office being a petri-dish with a questionable … Continue reading

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every breath you take, every move you make

Sometimes I wonder what I might look like to the outside world. If my apartment was replete with cameras like the Big Brother house, what would they see? Me on my couch a lot, I suspect. The TV often on … Continue reading

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let them eat cake

Throwing away dishes because you feel that you can’t be bothered to clean them isn’t smart, I know…but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t feel decadent.

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