Apologies to the 4 people that may have tried to access my site over the last few hours. My host Laughing Squid (whom I still recommend) unfortunately had an issue with a bad RAID controller that ended up corrupting the file system. After replacing the hardware, and restoring from back-ups, floorpie.net is back.
Luckily, Blogger also keeps your posts, otherwise the world would have lost my fascinating re-cap of my night at Backstage. *cough*
I’m back from Vegas where I had an awesome time. What happens in Vegas, etc etc, but you have got to see this video I took. I’ll post it once I figure out how to…
[UPDATE] One minor note that I write hear more to remind myself of than anything else. Why do They sell cigarettes in the convenience stores in airports? You’re not allowed to have any fire-making implements on that side of the security checkpoint, so you would presumably have to go somewhere else to get a lighter. Given that everything is more expensive in airports, wouldn’t you just by cigarettes at the 7-11, too? Discuss…