This is my favorite new ad. I got a print version in some junk mail recently, and I’ve been obsessed ever since. Not because of the product, which I understand is actually rather useful, but because of the pitch(wo)men.
OK, the elvish gentlemen in the center is the inventor. Check.
The woman is Robin Hartl whom astute observers (where “astute” means “people who watch a lot of PBS”) will recognize as the long time co-host to super-pimp Dean Johnson of Hometime. She has obivous street cred in that she actually participated in major home repair/renovations week after week. Check.
Which brings us to the last guy on the right. That, obviously, is the lovable Al Borland character (Richard Karn) from TV’s Home Improvement… and more recently the host of The Family Feud. He also has street cred as he actually participated in major home repair/renovations week after week… IN THE LAND OF MAKE BELIEVE.