scene opens: an olden tyme town square. A man on his knees is crying uncontrollably near the stone fountain in the center of the square. A priest walks up towards him…

Lamenter: Nooooo! What a world! What a world!

Priest: What is it my son?! What’s wrong?

Lamenter: Oh Father, forgive me, for I have done a terrible thing!

Priest: You will be forgiven! What have you done that is so terrible?

Lamenter: I have tortured!

Priest: (gasp) Tortured?! But who?

Lamenter: This lightbulb, father!

Priest: pause err…what?

Lamenter: This lightbulb (holds it aloft) On, off, on off, on, off, all day and night. Never letting it fulfill it’s unatainable dual destinies! Torture!

Priest: 17 Hail Mary’s my son…


This vignette brought to you by Dave’s thoughts upon waking

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