Reader Mail
Hello friend! Well, I’m tying the knot! Can you believe it? That is my big news, I don’t really have a whole lot more than that. Write me back soon! 🙂 Steph
Steph (if that, indeed, is your real name [which it’s not]), if you really think you’ll use the charcoal grill, then I say go for it! Gas grills are more convenient, and for us non-BBQ-snobs probably sufficient taste-wise, but they are more expensive. So, if you’re looking at grilling maybe only three times a month, charcoal is probably the way to go. More often, I’d choose the convenience of gas.
Hey Dave, What do you say we try again this Friday? Things at work will hopefully have settled down by then… Jenny
Jen, changing the batteries in your smoke detectors is always a good idea, and often overlooked. I recommend changing them in the spring when the time changes. (if you live in Hawaii, Indiana, or Arizona, you’re screwed)
Dave, will you marry me? Love, Fakey Fakerston
Dear Fakey, Yes. Yes I will.
Timmy, is that really a picture of you?
No, actually it’s not. It’s a picture of my successful twin brother with the high paying job and loving girlfriend. This is what I actually look like. As I’m sure you can surmise, I am a very, very, unhappy man.
(this post inspired by moxie)